Creativity in Education

Let me start with a real life incident. Teachers in a school found a seven-year-old boy quite odd. Though he was well mannered and never got into fights, his answers were often seen as “different”. So the teachers tried their best to “educate” him. Teacher: What does the cow give us? Boy: The cow gives us cow dung. Teacher: That’s not a good answer. You should say “the cow gives us milk”. Boy: But why, Miss? Does the cow not give us dung? Teacher: Stop acting over-smart! Why can’t you be like a normal child? I will send a note to your parents! You are the fellow who drew an amoeba in art class, right? Boy: Yes, Miss. We were asked to draw an animal. I picked an amoeba that my big sister told me about! You see, I liked it because it has no fixed shape! And it moves about using pretend feet… Teacher: Enough! Why do I get these oddballs in my class!? ...