Ideas for 21st. century leader

I was just thinking about our 21st. century. Being a future manager some questions pop-up in my mind - that what would be my job in the future? What should be the characteristics of a 21st. century leader? What kind of job a leader will have to perform? Etc. I’m trying to get the answer of these questions. So now let me share what I got from my research and analysis. To me leadership is all about creating a vision, vision of the future that you want to implement. Leadership is also about excite the people, motivate them, create a dream and finally ability to put all it together. We have seen the different kind of leaders’ like- Political leader, Social leader, Business leader etc. The 21st. century leader is going to be very different from the 20th.century. T he leaders of 20th. Century used to focus on command and control, but leader of the 21st. century will have to focus mainly on the collaboration, communication, co-operation, co-ordination. Because of the introduction of the inter...