Ideas for 21st. century leader
I was just thinking about our 21st. century. Being a future manager some questions pop-up in my mind - that what would be my job in the future? What should be the characteristics of a 21st. century leader? What kind of job a leader will have to perform? Etc. I’m trying to get the answer of these questions. So now let me share what I got from my research and analysis.
To me leadership is all about creating a vision, vision of the future that you want to implement. Leadership is also about excite the people, motivate them, create a dream and finally ability to put all it together. We have seen the different kind of leaders’ like- Political leader, Social leader, Business leader etc.
The 21st. century leader is going to be very different from the 20th.century. T
he leaders of 20th. Century used to focus on command and control, but leader of the 21st. century will have to focus mainly on the collaboration, communication, co-operation, co-ordination. Because of the introduction of the internet, mobility and the power of communication has changed the dynamics of social structure. It has changed the dynamics of productivity; it is already changing business model. What made sense 20 years ago don’t make sense any more. For example take the education - when we think of education today, we automatically think of black board, duster, chalk, teacher, grade, books, exams, certificate etc. In the 21st. century children don’t learn like it any more. Tools are very different now. Now learning tools means internet, Google, laptop, CD etc. Every thing is changed or changing. Learning paradigm has changed, organizational paradigm has changed, shopping paradigm is changing, and banking paradigm will change. How to get birth certificate, how to get land record, how to apply for admission every thing today is based on the 21st. century mindset. So the leader of the 21st. century will have to recognize that there is a need of new paradigm and this new paradigm is going to be very different from the 20th. Century paradigm.
The leader of 21st. century will have to ask what will be the new concept of money, the new concept of commerce, the new concept of development. Lets take the example of climate change – the entire global agenda on climate change are based on the old economy, and the leader really need to connect the climate change with the new financial order, with new developmental paradigm and with hole new set of technology. These all thing will require a different kind of leadership, leadership that believe in the democracy, diversity, new rules, creativity, ethics, multidiscipline, etc. if a 21st. century leader will not develop these qualities then he/she won’t be able to deal with these new challenges.
Today we are living in a great time. Technology has helped the mankind in a very different way. Life expectancy has increased, infer-morality rate has decreased, there is growth all over, there is prosperity all over, but at the same time there is poverty, hungers, wars. All of these things require a new and different kind of leadership. Unless and until we began to bread the right kind of leaders, we will not be able to tackle these challenges. The growth must be reach at the bottom of pyramid.
At the end I would like to say that- we have the problem of 21st. century which can not be solve with 19th. Century mindset and 20th. Century processes. To solve these problems and to face the new 21st. century, world need new leaders, and to be that future leader we need to do hard work, think differently, think creatively.
To me leadership is all about creating a vision, vision of the future that you want to implement. Leadership is also about excite the people, motivate them, create a dream and finally ability to put all it together. We have seen the different kind of leaders’ like- Political leader, Social leader, Business leader etc.
The 21st. century leader is going to be very different from the 20th.century. T

The leader of 21st. century will have to ask what will be the new concept of money, the new concept of commerce, the new concept of development. Lets take the example of climate change – the entire global agenda on climate change are based on the old economy, and the leader really need to connect the climate change with the new financial order, with new developmental paradigm and with hole new set of technology. These all thing will require a different kind of leadership, leadership that believe in the democracy, diversity, new rules, creativity, ethics, multidiscipline, etc. if a 21st. century leader will not develop these qualities then he/she won’t be able to deal with these new challenges.
Today we are living in a great time. Technology has helped the mankind in a very different way. Life expectancy has increased, infer-morality rate has decreased, there is growth all over, there is prosperity all over, but at the same time there is poverty, hungers, wars. All of these things require a new and different kind of leadership. Unless and until we began to bread the right kind of leaders, we will not be able to tackle these challenges. The growth must be reach at the bottom of pyramid.
At the end I would like to say that- we have the problem of 21st. century which can not be solve with 19th. Century mindset and 20th. Century processes. To solve these problems and to face the new 21st. century, world need new leaders, and to be that future leader we need to do hard work, think differently, think creatively.
Thank you sir for writing such a wonderful and great blog.
Thank you:
I loved the way you explained the diagram in the blog. Good writing. Keep blogging.
Shoaib Qureshi
@Mragendra I'm agree with your point. We have learnt alot from our history but now it's time to be creative and use the learning in a new way.
Blog was really nice & your visionary approach can be seen.
keep it up.