Selling Skills

Selling is an integral part of the most of the business. Many companies invest uncountable money to teach their employee “How to sell effectively?” In the early days it was not necessary because no competition or very less competition was there but now the era, the business models, the products, the target groups (segments) etc. has been changed. The more and more you will sell the more and more revenue you will add in your balance sheet. Sales are one of the most financially rewarding jobs now. Sales can hardly be boring, because it deals with different peoples. It is one of the exciting and challenging careers. Now-a-days there are N numbers of training centers who teach selling skills, but as per my experience, no body can teach a person how to sell. What other can do is just share their own experience which helps others to create their own mentality for the selling. Every body has their own way of selling. There are 2 pillars which determine the quality of selling: Communication ...