Selling Skills

Selling is an integral part of the most of the business. Many companies invest uncountable money to teach their employee “How to sell effectively?” In the early days it was not necessary because no competition or very less competition was there but now the era, the business models, the products, the target groups (segments) etc. has been changed. The more and more you will sell the more and more revenue you will add in your balance sheet. Sales are one of the most financially rewarding jobs now. Sales can hardly be boring, because it deals with different peoples. It is one of the exciting and challenging careers.
Now-a-days there are N numbers of training centers who teach selling skills, but as per my experience, no body can teach a person how to sell. What other can do is just share their own experience which helps others to create their own mentality for the selling. Every body has their own way of selling.
There are 2 pillars which determine the quality of selling:
- Communication Skill
- Knowledge Skill
Knowledge skills comprise the live examples and experience with the product and services, customer and industry knowledge and resolving the relevant business problem at the hand. The more the client will learn from you the more he will trust in you. If you want your ID take hold and stick in the mind of customers, show them plenty of visuals, use numbers, use proverbs and some related business jargons. It helps prospects to choose, recognize and remember you in need.
Following are the some other points which are very important for the selling:
- The right mindset – This is one of the golden rules. A sales person with the right mindset is prepared with both physical and mental to deal with multiple rejects from the prospects. Without a right mindset you have to struggle in selling.
- Know the Behavior, psychology, and thought process of the prospect – if you will not know the thought and behavior of the prospect it will be very difficult to formulate a strategy to deal with your prospect. Listen even a silly thing the prospect is telling to you. Be a detective in selling, but take care of each and everything you tell and ask to your prospect. Understand every behavior very carefully and mold yourself according to the situation. It takes some time to learn the behavior but whenever you succeed you become the master of selling.
- Make your prospective Big – it generally happens whenever we talk to prospect they have a whole list of problems like I don’t have money, I have some other commitments, I need some time to think over it, I have to talk with……etc. Make them big; make them feel that they have enough money to spend or to give it to you, to purchase your products. Increase their importance.
- Use your Emotional Intelligence – in the competitive market only your knowledge and communication is not sufficient for the good sells. Being able to handle and build good relationship with people, gaining their trust and confidence, will the things which differentiate you from the competitor and ultimately will fetch the more sells.
- ABC – Always Be Closing. It is the core of sells. Always try to close your deal. Take each and every prospect very seriously and show them all the benefits which your product or service can give them. Understand their needs and fulfill that in any ways.
This is not the end because selling is a job where every day we have to formulate a new strategy. Use the above points in your products or services selling. Keep selling and keep earning.