
5 Things that are stopping you From Achieving your Goal !!

  1. Perfectionism Everything does not need to be perfect before your start. Taking imperfect action NOW can get you closer to your goal. 2. Excuses You can either have your excuses or your results, you can't have both. 3. Procrastination Start working on your goal NOW, Never put off the things you can do today. 4. Distractions Focus on what you want and eliminate the things that no longer serve you. 5. Lack of Consistency Maintain momentum by doing at least one thing daily and reward yourself for being consistent.

10 Free Websites to boost Productivity

  1. PDF Drive PDF Drive  is a search engine for PDF files. As of today it has  80,793,590  eBooks for you to  download for free . No annoying ads,  no download limits , enjoy it. 2. Hubspot Free CRM Create Landing page with a few clicks and track your sales activity in real time. 3. Groovefunnels Build your website and your sales funnels without knowing code. 4. Landingfolio High Converting landing pages for inspiration including templates. 5. Canva Design Professional Looking images with ease. 6. Remove the background from images without any Photoshop knowledge. 7. Notion Create  Free digital products and organize your work. 8. Bubble Create social networks or even marketplaces without knowing how to code. 9. Apphive Build amazing apps with rag and drop. 10. Gumroa

8 Powerful Ways to boost Conversation Skill

 1. Use Words like "I Feel" and "In my Opinion" When you are giving your opinion in a conversation, it's important to use words that reflect how you feel.  This shows that you are not just spitting out facts but that you actually have a vested interested in the topic at hand. 2. Avoid words like "Always" and "Never" Using absolutes makes it seem like you are either 100% sure of what you are saying or that you are just trying to sound certain. But in reality, few things are ever truly black and white. 3. Be aware of your Tone Your tone of voice should be just as important as your words. Using a sarcastic or joking tone will only make things worse if you are trying to have a serious conversation. 4. Make Eye Contact When you are talking to someone, try to maintain eye contact. This shows that you are interested in the conversation and that you are not just trying to get it over with. 5. Don't Interrupt Interrupting someone in between is a s

6 Rules to be Charismatic

1. Make People Feel Important (SHR Method) Your formula to boost charisma: Seen • Give eye contact • Offer a specific compliment Heard • Ask good questions • Be interested, not interesting Remembered • Follow up • Remember name(s) • Recall something you discussed 2. Pause Before Speaking (30% Rule) You have enough time to reply than you think. Wait for 2 sec first. Pause in Speaking + Eye Contact = Confidence 3. Hone Your Body Language (7-38-55 Rule) People will like/dislike your communication based on: • 7% words • 38% tonality and face • 55% body language Good body Gesture and posture, Proper Eye Contact, smile and you are there..... You will be awesome. 4. Use Humor "A study of the top TED Talks found humor as a key ingredient. People are attracted to those who make them feel good (aided by humor). (by : Sources)" 3 proven tips to be funnier: • Give a surprising answer • Care more than someone predicted • Be more specific than necessary 5. Don’t Complain

Hand Written notes on Communication

Dear All, I am providing you my own hand written notes on communication. If you like it and wish to have more notes on other topics also then please comment, so I would know and I will upload more notes. If you like the notes and want more notes on other topics then please comment below with your desired topic. If you have any suggestions then please comment.

Complete Notes on Communication

Communication is exchange of ideas and meaning between two persons or groups. Signs, expressions, utterances, gestures, sounds, noises, are the silent form of languages used by human being. Generally we define communication as the process of transfer of information  between two sources with the information being understood by both. Evolution of Communication Silence Phase Verbal Phase Litho (Stone) Printing Individual Letter Blocking Movable Type Printing Printing on a large scale Telegraph System Motion Picture TV and Satellite Communication Nature of Communication Communication is social interaction through message Communication are constructed for the people by the people Communication is the language of life It creates a common pool of ideas and strengthen the feeling of togetherness Communication encompasses sharing and distributive justice Objectives of Communication Strong decision making Generate awarness Build Relationship Provide Advice

Complete Notes on Research Aptitude

Meaning of Research This word is made up by adding "Re" as a prefix to the word "Search". Therefore research means to elicit some facts out of a known thing. Research is - An attitude of inquiry An attempt to elicit facts A process Characteristics of Research It is a scientific investigation It develops concepts and the theories It expands the limits of knowledge It can't be implemented immddiately It is essential tool for good decision making Objectives of Research To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or group To determine the frequency with which something occurs To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables Types of Research Fundamental Research (Basic Research) Applied Research  Requirements of Research Planning Guidence Experts Training Finance Refrences Library Research Jou