Complete Notes on Research Aptitude
Meaning of Research
This word is made up by adding "Re" as a prefix to the word "Search". Therefore research means to elicit some facts out of a known thing. Research is -
- An attitude of inquiry
- An attempt to elicit facts
- A process
Characteristics of Research
- It is a scientific investigation
- It develops concepts and the theories
- It expands the limits of knowledge
- It can't be implemented immddiately
- It is essential tool for good decision making
Objectives of Research
- To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it
- To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or group
- To determine the frequency with which something occurs
- To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables
Types of Research
- Fundamental Research (Basic Research)
- Applied Research
Requirements of Research
- Planning
- Guidence
- Experts
- Training
- Finance
- Refrences
- Library
- Research Journals
Steps Of Research
- Formulating the research problem
- Extensive Survey
- Developing hypothesis
- Preparing the research design
- Determining the sample design
- Collection of data
- Execution of the project
- Analysis of data
- Hypothesis testing
- Generalization and interpretation
- Preparation of the report of the result

Methods of Research
- Experimental Method
- Observational Method
- Survey Method
- Case Studies
- Test Method
Research Ethics
- Should maintain high standard to ensure that the data are accurate
- Should not intentionally try to prove a particular point
- Should ensure that the data have been scientifically investigated and his findings are totally objective
- Should not misrepresent the accuracy of the data
- Should ensure that privacy and anonymity of the respondents are preserved
- Should check for code of ethics
- Reliability
- Validity
These are the key points. If you need details explanation of any topic you can mail/message me.