Recruitment, Selection, Orientation


It is the process of searching candidate for employment and stimulating them to apply for the job in the organisation.

Sources of Recruitment

Internal Sources 

Internal Job Posting (IJP)

External Sources 

  • Recruitment at factory gate
  • Advertisements
  • Educational Institutes
  • Telecasting
  • Unsolicited Applications
  • Employment Agencies
  • Refrences


It is the process of picking individual who have relevant qualifications and experiences to fill jobs in an organisation. This process establishes a contractual relationship between the employer and the worker.

Factors in selection

  1.  Physiological Features - Physique, Height, Weight, Sight, Endurance
  2. Personal Characteristics - Marital status, Size of family, Economic Position
  3. Proficiency - Qualification, Training, Experience
  4. Competency - Potential for learning and performaing
  5.  Temperament - Mental and emotional stability, Honesty, Loyalty, Social skills
  6. Aptitude and Attitude - Finding out the interest of person in a job

Selection Process : 

Every organisation design its own selection process that suits its requirements. However basic steps are as follows: 
  1. Receiving Application
  2. Application Blank
  3. Screening Interview
  4. Employment Test
  5. Selection Interview
  6. Medical Examination
  7. Reference Check
  8. Hiring Decision

Induction / Orientation

It is the process of introducing a new employee to the job and the organisation. It involves providing him the basic information he needs to settle down quickly and start his work in comfortable ways.

Stages in Induction Programme

  • Introduction
  • Socialisation
  • Follow-ups


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