Need of investment on Human Capital
India is a developing country and it also has a large population. But like ev

If I talk about India then India has an abundance of human capital and is among the countries with the highest density of population. This abundant population can be India’s asset or liability, depending on the inputs that people get. But most of our institutions are just creating and helping to grow only dropouts and unemployables. These unemployables, dropouts, ill-educated, ill-nourished children and young population will be the working age group in the next 20-30 years, and this group will create a liability in the balance sheet of our country. We have abundant of these work group and if we will not provide the quality education, skills, and health to our people then the growth of our country will be unsustainable even when India grows to be among top three economies of the world.

We can achieve enormously if we invest in human capital, the biggest capital India have. I thought even today India lives in villages so we should develop our villages, small and big rural areas and the urban poor.
The institutions of excellence such as IITs and IIMs are providing the needed quality and education to their students which help students to get jobs in the higher position. Just imagine what would happen if the billions of people will get the same quality education. We have seen the revolutionary idea of BPO which has changed the whole business world. There can be other such great ideas which can change the whole scenario. We need just one idea. And I think these ideas can be generated by the people only then when we invest on human capital.
Now at the end I would like to conclude that in present time we have both the opportunity to transform our future and create an asset for our country or make a liability for our country. It will not take much time to turn our demographic dividend in to a demographic disaster if we will ignore our greatest asset that is “Human capital”.
I really liked the style..
good work!
I liked reading it.
On another note, the style of writing can be improved by reducing successive use of same words like India, humaan capital, etc.
I liked reading it.
On another note, the style of writing can be improved by reducing successive use of same words like India, humaan capital, etc.
keep it on. A very nice topic and good thought.
From my side I want to say that since we got independence we are continuously investing in human capital. But since the last two decades it has improved.
The right to education bill is a right step in this process but the problem what India facing is the implementation of policies. We will have to strengthen this system. Otherwise we will only create Educated Illiterate. And you can see that India is filled with these people, who are not the asset for the country but liabilities.
Government has opened many schools but schooling is still missing.
Pratik Agrawal
You can see the excample of IIMs and IITs which are providing the quality education and needed skill to their student, this is the thing which needed for growth in any country. Just schooling is not going to work for further growth.
Thank you for your view point.
Nice blog, I really wish you could have written a little more.
Shoaib Qureshi